Tuesday 27 September 2016

Chapter 4

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Chapter 4
  The system unit is a case that contains electronic components of the computer used to process data. The motherboard is the main circuit board of the system unit. 

desktop personal computer system unit, there are:
1) Drive bay(s)
2) Power supply
3) Sound card
4) Video card
5) Processor
6) Memory
And all of these components are integrated into a main circuit board which is called motherboard.

Processor contains a Control Unit (CU) and an Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU). Both of them work together. CU will direct and coordinate most of the operations in computer whereas ALU performs arithmetic and logical operations. The processor contains registers, that temporarily hold data and instructions. And there is system clock which controls the timing of computer operations. A processor chip will generate heat could cause the chip to burn up that is why additional cooling is required such as heat sinks and liquid cooling technology.

Memory consists of electronic components that store instructions waiting to be executed by the processor, data needed by those instructions, and the results of processing the data.

This is what i learn today n is alot indeed. I hope final would be easy.

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